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Spotlight 9/10/18 - Jimmy & Tristan Shrader

Time for another edition of Buffalo Paintball’s Spotlight Segment! Remember, you or your team can be chosen to be part of our Spotlight Segment by hitting that “Like” button, sharing posts and commenting on them! This week on Buffalo Paintball’s Spotlight… We take a trip to Cleveland, Ohio and talk with a father son duo. Jimmy Shrader and his son Tristan began as anyone would, playing in paintball games around the local area. They started playing paintball at birthday parties as well, thanks to the help of his brother Robert and brother in law Pizza Bobby. They thought the sport was so much fun, Jimmy began to dive right in, buying various paintball markers and accessories. You could say the wife may have not been on board right away, but sometimes the happiness of the kids is enough to make everything great. After the four packages arrived at the house, (as well as getting out of the doghouse) Jimmy began his search for more places in the area to play paintball. As luck would have it, there was a spot to play right by his favorite campsite. To Jimmy, these were two of the greatest things: "I play paintball and I go camping at the campground; it's like a perfect marriage". The woodsball field in Alliance, OH was the first official place they played paintball. They looked up other fields and GRC Paintball was the next place on the list of fields they would go to play. They bought a van to make the long trips and carry everything they needed. Jimmy and Tristan eventually played the sport every weekend added a long time family friend into the mix, Nester. Nester has been playing paintball since the 90's and he joined the team which later lead to something amazing. After some time playing on the weekends, the word spread, bringing more friends to the sport and making quite the team. The father and son team is now a team of 9-10 people creating the team Cleveland Rage. Jimmy, Tristan, Bob, Joe, Pizza Bobby, Nester, Little MJ, Jason, Adam and his wife are the heart and soul of the team and have the hopes of becoming the best players in the Cleveland area. If I were you, I would keep an eye out for this team - you may see them in upcoming tournaments.

Thank You

Dustin Schindler Sales & Marketing Buffalo Paintball


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